If not ask a member of the ArtQuest Guild (but they won’t tell you because it’s a secret!) At each monthly meeting the Guild members visit the gallery. Sometimes we witness new work being delivered or in preparation for installation. We may stop to talk to the curator for a behind the scenes tour or discuss the art in the exhibition. Now after a year of being together, the Guild members guide US in a gallery discussion. The youngest group moves with assurance from piece to piece talking out loud about the shapes and colors with little hands waving around in excitement. They are quick to identify what they see and share interesting ideas about how the work came to be and what it all means. Their perspectives are refreshing and bold. The older Guild members, although more reserved, freely examine the work and astound us with their perceptions. After the gallery visit we head to the studio to create. Last month after seeing the shadow work of Heather Lewis and the fiber work of Andrea Donnelly, the Guild members created the large shadow fiber works (shown above). They are making connections through visual art in accessible and meaningful ways.
If you are interested in having your child join the Guild it is easy! The ArtQuest Guild it is a program of Green Hill Center and is for children ages five and up. The cost is $35 per child for the Guild, you must be a current Household member and there is open enrollment. Guild members gain a deeper connection and understanding of North Carolina art and art processes. Monthly workshops accommodate children of all level and experience.